computer programs

6 simple steps to optimize computer performance


A slow computer can turn an otherwise great, productive day into a frustrating one. Whether you’re in a hurry to pull up a report before a meeting, get an email out before the end of the day, or submit a file before a deadline you rely on your computer to get the job done. Are you willing to risk your good reputation on slow computer performance?

The good news is you have options to keep your computer at peak performance. We’ve compiled our best go-to tips for optimizing computer performance and saving your sanity.

1. Uninstall unused programs

Most PCs come loaded with extra programs that you never asked for and have probably never opened. These programs take up tons of space and slow down your computer even if you never run them. Removing these programs will free up space, giving you more room for important files that you actually use, while also speeding up your processor.

2. Free up space

All versions of Windows come with a built-in tool designed to free up disk space on your hard drive. Clearing your drive will maximize storage, thereby increasing speed and functionality. In Windows 10 this tool is called Free Up Space and is easily accessed by going to Settings > Systems > Storage. In all earlier versions of Windows, the tool is called Disk Cleanup.

3. Limit startup processes

Do you have a lot of programs that automatically run every time you turn on your computer? In addition to requiring a lot of juice just to get your computer going, chances are that you aren’t even using some of these programs. Meanwhile, they continue to run in the background, pointlessly using up space and slowing down your computer.

To turn off some, or all, of these startups you’ll need to access the Task Manager in Windows 10. Earlier versions of Windows use Msconfig.

4. Scan for viruses and malware

One possible culprit for a sluggish PC is the presence of viruses or malware. Other symptoms of an infection include a crashing computer (blue screen), programs opening and closing on their own, or unexpected pop-ups. If you notice any of these things the first thing you should do is run your antivirus software.

When your computer is at risk, your business is at risk. Cybersecurity is not something to take lightly. If you are still handling your own cybersecurity, now is the time to consider switching to a managed IT service provider who can take care of cybersecurity issues for you.

5. Upgrade your RAM

One possibility is that your computer just needs more memory. It’s a common misconception that a slow computer needs to be completely replaced. Before you spend the big bucks, consider whether you can get by with a RAM upgrade for the time being. If you decide to go for an upgrade, consider talking to your managed IT service provider for a consultation to determine what option will work best for you.

6. Embrace the cloud

Finally, if you haven’t already considered it, now might be the perfect time to think about making the move to the cloud. When you use the cloud for your business you can minimize the amount of on-site data storage required, while maximizing accessibility. This may mean fewer files cluttering up your hard-drive and slowing down your computer. Moving to the cloud could have many advantages for your business.