Entries by rlinga

Category-Based Filters and Why Your Business Needs Them

    Imagine this: An employee visits a piracy website to download an episode of their favorite TV show to watch during their lunch break. Another employee finds out and asks for the link. Then another. Next thing you know, seven of your employees are illegally downloading an episode of Game of Thrones, installing an insidious […]

Common Sense Security

    You’ve heard it a million times. Make your passwords different and make them complicated. Do you do it? Probably not. In fact, the most common password is still “123456.” As an individual, you can solve your password situation fairly easily: 1) Get a password manager (there are tons) and 2) use it. As a business, […]

The Right Idea But The Wrong Tools

  In a professional landscape, getting a team on the same page and staying there should be the first priority. But with any environment comes distraction, both in the internal hurdles of competitive streaks, the power transference of generating ideas and overall chemistry within the group, and in the external sense of resources and facilities. […]

Elect a Virtual IT Department to Your Night’s Watch

  In Game of Thrones, the Night’s Watch is a military order dedicated to guarding the Wall. The Wall is an immense fortification that makes up the northernmost border of the seven kingdoms of Westeros, created to protect the realm from threats that lie beyond. For all intents and purposes here, think about your network as the Wall […]

Considering BYOD? Here’s What You Need to Have Ready

  As technology evolves and becomes more personal with the use of high-tech smartphones and tablets, more and more businesses and organizations are facing issues related to device management. If you have finally decided that all the benefits of a bring-your-own-device (BYOD) policy are worth the investment, then it is time to create and implement […]

Expanding Your Office? Don’t Neglect These IT Essentials

  Are you planning to expand your office? If so, take a moment to celebrate the accomplishment. After all, with over 30% of all new businesses failing within the first two years of being open – expansion is no small feat. And if you are expanding, make sure you plan properly. Otherwise, you may find that your […]

A Picture’s Worth a Thousand Words

  We’ve all heard the saying that a picture’s worth a thousand words, and in many cases, we would probably agree it’s true. With images, you’re able to convey so much more information than with words alone because some things are just indescribable and have to be seen to be believed. But did you know […]

I Left My Heart (and My Computer) in San Francisco

  Your business is important to you and you don’t want to skip a beat even if you’re on vacation. So you’re going to bring your computer with not only files on it, but access to all your critical data along with you. So what happens when you accidentally leave it? We mentioned San Francisco […]

Your Go-To Guide for Boosting Office Productivity

    It’s hard to nail down exactly what makes someone productive. We know that it’s a mix of the mindset they have and the tools available to help them complete their tasks. Unfortunately, you can’t always change a person’s mindset. However, you can empower them with the right tools for the job. Welcome to our helpful […]

How to Choose the Right Workstation for Your Company

  Technology is more important to your company than ever before, and it’s critical that you make the right choices in terms of the technology you use. Here are the things you need to consider to get the workstations that are right for you. General Considerations These general guidelines will help you to make the best decisions. […]