Hardware or Software? 3 Computer Problems You Can Resolve Today
Has your computer suddenly begun to malfunction? Is it running slower than normal or are programs crashing? Have you gotten the “blue screen of death”?
Any time an issue with your computer occurs, one of the first things you have to figure out is if it is a hardware issue or a software problem.
For those who aren’t too familiar with the inner-workings of their computer, this can be a bit tricky. After all, software and hardware problems can cause the same symptoms.
One of the biggest benefits of being able to diagnose your own computer issues is not having to wait around for your IT department to come help. In the long run, this will save you time and your company money.
Follow this guide to repair some of the most common computer problems.
A Slow Computer
Chances are you have heard a story or two about someone’s computer slowing down significantly due to too much software trying to open up when the computer is turned on. Another reason a computer may be sluggish is malware.
Unfortunately, those without the proper knowledge may just think their computer is old and needs to be replaced.
If your computer has begun to slow down, and the issue is software related, it can be fixed. Try to uninstall any unnecessary programs you don’t need, and be sure to run antivirus scans to see if you have any infections.
Blue Screens
The most modern versions of Windows are significantly more stable than the older versions of this program. When you use the program with reliable hardware, along with properly programmed drivers, the average Windows computer should never give you a blue screen.
If you have begun to encounter more “blue screens of death” than before, there is a chance your computer’s hardware has started to fail. A blue screen may also be the result of improperly programmed drivers.
If you have just upgraded or installed new hardware drivers and the blue screens begin, then try to uninstall them or do a system restore. In some cases, there could be an issue with the drivers. If this doesn’t help, then there is likely a hardware issue present.
Your Computer Won’t Boot Up
Lights turned off? Weird flickering sounds? If your computer won’t boot, you’ve likely got a hardware issue. Or, if you’ve noticed that Windows is failing about half-way through the boot process, it may be a software issue.
Hardware can be tricky to troubleshoot because so much can go wrong. Motherboards, hard drives, RAM and CPUs and PSUs can all be sources of startup failure. Your best bet is to remove one component at a time and try to successfully start the computer.
For software issues, the answer is a bit simpler. Boot your PC into safe mode and enable one program at a time until you spot the crash-culprit.
Know the Issues? Solve Your Computer Problems
There’s no question that computer issues are going to occur from time to time. Getting to know what they mean and how to handle them on your own is going to be the best way to avoid lost productivity and ensure you can get back to work.
In the long run, being able to diagnose your own computer issues will help you save time and save your company money – which makes it a win-win situation in most case.
For bigger scale business operations, computer repair troubleshooting can quickly become overwhelming. Partner with a managed service provider to have them fix the issues for you, proactively.